Grand Gestures and Little Things

I’m a big fan of grand gestures even when they’re not grand. To me, grand gestures are not necessarily the boombox over the head like John Cusak in Say Anything, but they’re more about the little things that are meaningful to the other person. It’s sunflowers on a Tuesday and a puzzle box with Disney characters on it. They’re QR code cufflinks and a box full of Redbull Cola. Okay, I guess who could say I like all the “little” things that really add up to a grand gesture.

I’ve always believed that actions speak louder than words. Funny coming from a writer, but nine times out of ten my words come out wrong. But actions are a bit easier, as long as the other person gets them :)

And that’s the rub. Like gift giving, a grand gesture has to be about the other person. You can’t give your wife a lawn mower (really the gift you want) and think you did good. Same for lingerie. These are really gifts to you, not the other person. That’s what’s tough about grand gestures. As much as we try, as much as we plot, plan and think to make it the best gesture ever, if the other person doesn’t get it, then our gesture means nothing.

So how do you get the other person to see your meaning; your good intentions? Or better yet, how do we put our emotions aside, step into their shoes and create a grand gesture they can understand and appreciate?

After writing this, I started to plot my next grand gesture. But more so than ever, I’m struggling to find the right one. And maybe, just maybe, it’s more about lots of little things than one big, grand gesture.

1 Comment

  1. […] Most importantly, he fights for me; he makes a grand gesture […]

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