10 Memories, 100 Discoveries: Memory 2 – Fireworks

Huxley said, “Memories are a man’s private literature.” Memories are private and you never know which ones will be picked up, stored away and treasured. In 1 Year, 10 Projects, 100 Discoveries, ten of the discoveries are memories- fun, sad, happy, I’m not sure what types there will be, but I do know that they will […]

10 Memories, 100 Experiences: Memory 1 – Chocolate Fish

Huxley said, “Memories are a man’s private literature.” Memories are private and you never know which ones will be picked up, stored away and treasured. In 1 Year, 10 Projects, 100 Discoveries, ten of the discoveries are memories- fun, sad, happy, I’m not sure what types there will be, but I do know that they will […]

  • Anal Organization

  • Oldies But Goodies

  • More Stuff

  • Nonsense Notes