5 Pet Peeves

I wrote about my 10 Pet Peeves here, but I have a few more :)

  1. People who use their cell phones anytime they are with a small group. i.e. during dinner. Alan Wolk’s post touches on it slightly; you’re not being social if you’re alienating yourself with your phone. Besides being downright disrespectful, you’re also telling the people you’re with that they are uninteresting and whatever is on your phone is MUCH cooler. Of course, if you’re waiting for a call/message or check discreetly every so often, that’s fine. But blatantly having it out for the whole dinner? RUDE.
  2. Having to be a broken record. I thought only parents had to do this. Seriously, just change my title to Broken-Record-Babysitter. Oh, and I can’t even tell you how many times I said, “I’m in Minnesota” only to get the response, “So, how’s Michigan?”.
  3. People who scream for honesty and wax on about wanting to hear your “real” opinion. However, when given what they ask for, they turn into assholes. Don’t ask for things if you can’t handle the truth. Next time I’ll just say, “I’m busy washing my hair” and “yes” you along. Either way, you’ll get pissed off. But, at least I’ve saved myself a few breaths.
  4. I’m no longer annoyed by Gristades Supermarket in NYC. I am, however, supremely annoyed with Johanna Foods and the fact that I still can’t find a place that will ship their yogurt. Maybe I’m just annoyed that my powers of persuasion have yet to work for this :)
  5. Network Security. They finally made everyone password protect their Blackberries. I get it. It’s smart. I should do it anyway. But, it DRIVES ME CRAZY to have to type in a ridiculously long password (thanks to their specs) before I can access my text messages, emails, etc.

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