Go Phelps

Once again, an advertiser has missed out on some key opportunities by not making their videos easily sharable. Visa’s campaign, Go World, for the Olympics is really cute, involves a lot of feel good commercials and an in-depth site with athletes’ background stories. However, none of the videos can be embedded and there’s no one […]


I recently updated my five year plan. I’m not a big fan of five year plans- too much committment – but mine was about two years outdated and in need of some serious revisions. Anyway, when comparing the “old” and the “new”, there was only one item that stayed the same… qualify for the Ironman […]

Opening Ceremony Trivia

I love random trivia. Here’s some about the Olympic Opening Ceremonies in Beijing: 11,000 athletes and 204 nations with 87 of them never having a medal winner will partake in the 2008 Summer Olympics 15,000 performers took part Dancers trained for eight months Film maker, Zhang Yimou choreographed all the performances 91,000 spectators This was […]

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