iMedia Download

I’ve spent the week in beautiful San Diego at the iMedia Brand Marketer Summit. It’s one of my favorite conferences to go to. As always, the conference was great and the opportunities to meet my fellow marketers were even better.

This year, the top five takeaways were:

It’s the Year of Mobile (again). You have your lovers and your haters. Still, everyone is confused on how to use it and whether the infrastructure is there to support it. But, most saw the powerful potential of mobile.

Social Media (bleh). If I have to hear the words social media one more time, I might puke. People are still struggling to incorporate it into a solid strategy. Few, if none, have made it to a social business model. And, many still have blinders on to who should “own” social media. Not surprisingly, the digital marketers all thought their team should own the bright, shiny object :)

The concept of agency management came up more than ever this year. Surprisingly, it didn’t focus around the new performance payment models nor did it lay blame to agencies. The concept that was driven home was: Clients need to accept management responsibility. Basically, an agency can only be as good as the client manages them to be.

Goals, strategies and objectives were lost. No one wants to think about the hard stuff. And again, there wasn’t enough focus on these three items. Before launching a campaign or diving into something new, don’t forget to step back, define your goals and set a strategy. If you don’t, you’re sure to find yourself up a creek without a paddle.

It’s the Year of Video. Video, video, video. Especially the long form kind. That and killing the click was all anyone talked about.

As an added bonus, an overarching theme was:

How do we use digital to fundamentally alter how people experience our brand?

And, the question that I pose to the interwebs – what’s the difference between “digital” and “interactive”? Everyone here was a “digital marketer” vs. an “interactive marketer.” Personally, I like the term interactive better.

1 Comment

  1. […] they stay the same? Yep, that about sums up BlogWorld. It was certainly very different from the iMedia Brand Summit I recently attended and, not in a good way. Maybe I’m just not cut out for social media […]

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