10 Kisses, 100 Discoveries: #7 Sugared Poffertjes

I have one deal breaker. Mae West says kissing is a man’s signature. Signature or not, it also tells you everything you need to know about a man. 1 Year, 10 Projects, 100 Discoveries started with 10 Guys, 10 Weeks, 10 Drinks. The sequel is 10 Kisses, 10 Tastes. This post is part of that project. You can see all 10 kisses here and the entire project here. Get ready to pucker up, I am!

My favorite part about Amsterdam were the men. Blond hair, blue eyes and strapping; just the way I like them. And just the way pictures of Dutch men looked.

Hans (not his real name) made the best Poffertjes (aka mini pancakes) I’ve ever had. Hot and fresh with a dab of butter and a sprinkle of sugar. He got a kick out of introducing them to me and watching as I took pictures. He liked it even more when I came back for seconds. While scrumptious, the second round was more for the eye candy :)

After serving them, he walked with me along one of the flower paths at Keukenhof until we stopped under the cherry trees. So sure of his footing, I had a feeling he had taken this walk a few times. But, I didn’t mind. His smell of sugar and pancakes mingled with the sickly sweet smell of flowers. And the kiss? Tender and light but with a confidence behind it that tasted like honey with a hint of chocolate.

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