10 Experiences, 100 Discoveries: E8 – Popping Bottles

Albert Einstein said, “the only source of knowledge is experience.” With that in mind, as part of my adventure, 1 Year, 10 Projects, 100 Discoveries, ten of the discoveries are about experiences I’ve always wanted to have. This post is part of that project. You can see all 10 Experiences here and the entire project here. Enjoy the moments, I sure am!

When you hear the word, “Champagne,” the connotations that come to mind are: celebration, special occasion, New Years, promotion, engagement and Sunday Brunch with the girls. But, rarely do the words “champagne” and “weekday night alone” go together. Oddly enough, that’s one of the experiences that has been on my list. I wanted to buck the trend. I wanted to dispel the rumors that champagne could only be drunk on festive occasions and with a group of friends. And, I wondered if the bubbles would taste the same.

On a mundane Tuesday night home alone, I popped a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, managing to spill it all over the countertop in the process. I drank a lone glass, letting the bubbles wash over me and go to my head. A bit surprisingly, it tasted the same as on a night of celebration. I sipped, perplexed, and thought about that. Then, I realized, even alone, I was celebrating something- me. A piece of me was celebrating the fact that I could open a bottle of champagne on a mundane Tuesday night. More importantly, I was celebrating enjoying it alone.

In the hustle and bustle of today, we are rarely alone. When we are, society has placed a stigma on it. How dare we eat alone. How dare we spend a weekend day or night alone. How dare we go to a bar or clubbing alone. With society’s age old stigma, few have the strength or confidence to be alone. With my lone glass of champagne, I celebrated all the people who enjoy their lone glasses.

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