Is Augmented Reality Today’s Second Life

I love Augmented Reality. Seriously, the thought of doing something with AR makes me salivate, even if penetration is next to nil.

But, will it end up like Second Life? When Second Life debuted, it was touted as “huge” and “game changing.” The same words and feelings are starting to surround AR. Layar cofounder Maarten Lens-FitzGerald is quoted in Fast Company as saying, “Augmented reality is going to be huge. It might even be as big as the Web.”

No one said that about Twitter or Facebook. In fact, many still poo poo those sites. But, both have far out lived and outgrown Second Life.

Will AR end up as just the flavor of the day? A novelty? Or, will marketers and consumers get smart and use it to its fullest potential?

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